- IT-enabled Account Opening Processes
- Cheque Truncation System
- Bankers' Book Evidence Act Redefined in IT act.
- Customer's identity - KYC Guidelines Linking Banking to Identity Proofs
- Secrecy of Customer's Bank Accounts in view of online Hacking
- Legal Issues Conventional vs Online Banking.
- Security Issues - Responsibilities of Customers, Banks, Payment Gateways on the internet.
- Seizure of Bank Records under IT Act by Law enforcing agencies
- How to Keep Healthy Credit Report and Credit Score.
The list of the above features will go on increasing with every passing day. Ours is Non-Profit Organization under the brand name WQAINDIA where we are inviting like-minded people to contribute their experiences so as to preserve the history of Practical Banking for future generations and to compare each and every aspect of Banking Today with the future trends as we can visualize new Practical Banking enabled with fast-emerging technologies. The aim of the comparison of the above features under Banking Today and Tomorrow is to enable the banking technocrats to keep in mind the legal aspects of banking financial transactions to provide foolproof security for bank customer's privacy, secrecy, and security.